Enteric Disease Testing Market Size, Share, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis, 2020 – 2027


Enteric Disease Testing Market
Enteric Disease Testing Market 

Microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites enter the body through the mouth and cause enteric diseases. These pathogens can be acquired through contaminated food and water, or by coming into contact with the faeces of an infected animal or person. The most common symptoms of enteric diseases are abdominal cramps, vomiting, nausea, and anorexia, which can result in fluid and nutrient loss from the body. Advances in diagnostic technologies have revolutionised enteric disease testing in recent years, significantly increasing detection rates in symptomatic individuals.

The global burden of enteric disease infection can result in significant health-care costs and even death. Each year, one of the enteric diseases, typhoid salmonellosis, accounts for 16 million new cases and approximately 600,000 deaths. The only way to deal with this burden is to detect enteric diseases early.

Traditional culture methods are being replaced by tests that can diagnose illness quickly, such as enzyme immunoassay (EIA), PCR-based tests, and dipstick-based tests, which are labour intensive and time consuming. One of the major factors driving the enteric disease testing market is rising demand for rapid diagnostic tests. Molecular Diagnostics, Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunoassays, Differential Light Scattering, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Liposomes, Flow Cytometry, Chromatography, Diagnostic Imaging, Gel Microdroplets, and Others are the segments of the global enteric disease testing technology market. Molecular diagnostics is an emerging technology in enteric diseases that is expected to grow faster than other technologies.


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